Women Make Up Just 22% of Cannes Lions Jurers


Hollie Rapello who pens the Why Moms Rule blog took it upon herself to examine female representation on Cannes Lions Juries. Overall, there are just 70 women serving on juries as compared to 248 men, a 22% representation.

Only one jury, Creative Effectiveness, has equal representation with 8 men and 8 woman.

The juries with the least number of women include Mobile with just one women to 12 and both Innovation and Film Craft with just one woman to nine men each.

While women have certainly made inroads in the marketing and advertising space, it would seem this is not fairly represented in jury make up. When upwards of 70% of household spending in controlled by women, according to The Boston Consulting Group, it would seem all that more important to have women included in the judging of work that is developed to reach them.


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