Wait, What? Lionel Richie Is In My Refrigerator?


We love when marketers smartly connect with pop icons from the past. But this connection between Tap King and Lionel Richie is one of the most pitch perfect endorsement deals we have ever witnessed.

In a BMF Sydney-created :60, a man peers into his refrigerator in search of something, anything to quench his yearnings but, as is very often the case when one opens the refrigerator, he finds nothing. That is until he begins to hear a piano.

He frantically pulls the contents of the refrigerator out of the way to determine the source of the sound and…BOOM…there’s Lionel Richie cooing his famous hit Hello. The lyrics align perfectly with the emotion we often times feel when we find that perfect bit of comfort food or drink.

The spark of love that ignites between the two is palpable almost to the point of being icky but it never really crosses that line as Richie deftly hands a beer to our eager refrigerator explorer.

Witty. Relevant. A perfect encapsulation of an emotion Tap King knows beer lovers experience when they lay their hands on their favorite beer.


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