This is, perhaps, the most interesting TV commercial you will see in a very long time. And by TV ad, we mean a TV ad for a TV. In this case, a Samsung TV. Created by 72andSunny and called Meet the Family, this ad introduces us to a family that just got a new SmartTV from Samsung.
But first…OMG! This family is interracial! Yes. Interracial. Call the cause groups! This one could get ugly! My God, the wife is Asian! And she’s married to…OMG…a white guy! Good God, the interwebs are going to light up with this one.
Anyway, it is on of the most well-paced commercials of any kind we have seen in a very long time. Dad, mom, daughter, son and grandfather all get great lines and all interact with one another perfectly! And with awesome dialog like, “I don’t know, calling girls and hanging up” and “Which one of you yahoos put our TV on the curb,” It’s like they’re a real family. But that couldn’t be true because, as we all know, no one wants interracial families in advertising, right?