Energy Noodles Make You So Hard Hotties Can Stand on Your Stiffy


It would be so awesome to work in the Japanese ad world. All their work is so whacked. Can you imagine writing a creative brief for this stuff? Can you imagine concepting this stuff? Shooting it? Showing it to the client?

With Japan’s apparent fixation with sex (seriously, just go search for a few sex-related videos) we guess it makes perfect sense that this ad for Energy Noodles which, it seems, gives guys hard bodies, also gives them super sturdy hard ons.

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FANTA Gets Its Own Coke Happiness Factory


Is it just us or is this German Fanta commercial a whole lot like the Coke Happiness Factory commercials? Of course, Fanta being a division of Coke, we guess we can’t much blame Jung Von Matt for giving us an homage. Alex & Steffen did the 2D and 3D work in the video.

The video gives us an epic, period piece battle in which a castle full of characters attempts to quell a giant, pillaging robot who, as it turns out, is just a cooler at a family picnic. Leave it to the hot princess to finally vanquish the mechanical foe.

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Who Will You Hook Up With at Cannes This Year?


– Have some fun. Drop a name. You never know who you’ll hook up with (or wish you had) while at Cannes Lions.

– If you missed it, here’s the video of 13-year-old Nick LeGrande making the opening pitch at the Yankees Athletics game from 1,800 miles away courtesy of Google Fiber.

– Want to make a dolphin talk? Have at it with the Green Works Dolphin app. Hmm. Reminds us of SeaquestDSV.

– Today in pretentious car commercials, we have this Lexus IS ad entitled Crowd.

– Like things that jiggle. No, not those things, silly. Jell-O. Check out CP+B’s Jello Jiggle Vision.

Here’s some student work that imagines what would have happened had Marc Ecko bought the recent for sale Air Force One plane.

– This is one very strange cement commercial. This guy needs some better relationship skills.

– Perhaps one of the best handlings of a PR crisis ever.

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Who Will You Hook Up With at Cannes This Year?


– Have some fun. Drop a name. You never know who you’ll hook up with (or wish you had) while at Cannes Lions.

– If you missed it, here’s the video of 13-year-old Nick LeGrande making the opening pitch at the Yankees Athletics game from 1,800 miles away courtesy of Google Fiber.

– Want to make a dolphin talk? Have at it with the Green Works Dolphin app. Hmm. Reminds us of SeaquestDSV.

– Today in pretentious car commercials, we have this Lexus IS ad entitled Crowd.

– Like things that jiggle. No, not those things, silly. Jell-O. Check out CP+B’s Jello Jiggle Vision.

Here’s some student work that imagines what would have happened had Marc Ecko bought the recent for sale Air Force One plane.

– This is one very strange cement commercial. This guy needs some better relationship skills.

– Perhaps one of the best handlings of a PR crisis ever.

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Creatives’ Twisted Psyches Revealed Infographic-Style


iStockphoto, you know…that service you pour over hoping to find the perfect imagery for your creative machinations, is out with an infographic that reveals the inners working of designers’ minds.

Findings include the fact* designers have the attention span of a goldfish, equate finding the perfect image to finding $1 million, have a thing for unicorn deathmatches and have a really, really intense propensity for the color blue.

Check it all out below.


* Word used in the loosest sense possible. Though experience shows, it’s really not all that far from the actual truth.

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Ad Exec Says Ad Industry Complicit in NSA PRISM Privacy Scandal


Have the ad industry’s data collection practices fueled the general public’s acceptance of the government’s prying eyes?

This morning, we got to hear first hand from PRISM Whistleblower Edward Snowden in a video interview conducted by the Freedom of the Press Foundation. In the 12-minute video, Snowden gives in-depth commentary on his decision to release NSA documents and why Americans need to be more vigilant on the issue of privacy.

After watching the video, Digital Net Agency Chief Strategy Officer Skip Graham had a bit of a crisis of conscience regarding the online advertising industry’s part in the collection and use of personal information.

In an email, Graham said, “For years we as digital marketers have created systems that gathered vast personal data while telling consumers that they should have no fear of such activities. We told them that despite the fact that we were in essence watching everything that they did and making calculated choices to manipulate their decisions based on that knowledge, that this was ultimately a benefit to them and that they were still remaining anonymous and therefore their privacy was not at risk. And we said this even though the slightest application of historical perspective would have clearly shown the slippery slope to its inevitable complete loss.”

Graham argues that the advertising industry has played a key role in “softening” consumer’s viewpoints on privacy issues effectively making the public feel “OK” about handing over personal information online.

As this relates to Snowden and the NSA, Graham continues, “I don’t believe it would have been possible for the NSA and the American government to so blithely act as if their current actions were not a violation of our constitutional rights without literally years of prior effort by some of the best minds marketing has to offer to convince the public that this was the reality of how data is gathered and can be be maintained. We went first and told the public not to worry, to have faith and to trust. We crafted the arguments, molded the opinions, and quieted the skeptics.”

It’s no secret the advertising industry has become a master at data collection. After all, a marketer wants to know all the can about a person’s likes, dislikes, demographics, behavior and general demeanor.

Is it conceivable the ad industry played a role in facilitating the vast collection of data now living in the cloud and available to anyone with proper or improper access? Has this practice of data collection made people immune to potential consequences that might result from the collection of this information? Or is data collection really not the issue, rather it’s use?

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Integrating Email With Social Delivers 6X Increase in Revenue


Social media is, of course, all the rage these days but did you know integrating email and marketing automation into your social media efforts can increase your revenue 6X? Did you know triggered emails that are part of the marketing automation process can yield 75% higher open rates and 115% higher click through rates? And how about the fact incorporating video with email can increase the performance of traditional direct mail by 280%?

Yea, it’s all true. Download this guide from Stream Send now and learn how to incorporate social, video, remarketing and marketing automation into your marketing strategy.

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Would You RIde A Roller Coaster With Your Mouth Open?


The visuals in this Cedar Point commercials are, well, disturbing. Then again, most people don’t normally have a camera in their face when they are riding a roller coaster. Because if they did, they’d look like these freaky people in this amusement park’s commercial.

Although we’re not quite sure whey you’d want to ride a roller coaster with your mouth open. You never know what will end up in your mouth.

Somehow we think there will be a porn spoof of this shortly. Or, better yet, maybe a dental spoof that touts the fact clean teeth are paramount when riding a roller coaster and getting snapped by the coaster cam.

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Swiffer Apologizes For Putting Rosie the Riveter Back in the Kitchen


In reaction to public outcry over Swiffer’s use of iconic feminist image Rosie the Riveter, who, in a 1943 Westinghouse Electric ad campaign, urged women to get out of the kitchen and work during World War II, the brand has issued an apology and promised to remove the image from its website.

The image appeared on the brand’s Swiffer website and in ads promoting Swiffer’s steam cleaner.

Of the brand’s seemingly incomprehensible reasoning behind using the image, Boing Boin Publisher Jason Weisberger said, “I love the clear tribute to an important historical image done in such a way as to piss on its legacy.”

Following an article in the Washington Post, Swiffer’s Elizabeth Ming issued a statement which read, “We were made aware of the concerns regarding the image in a Swiffer ad this afternoon. Our core purpose is to make cleaning easier for all consumers, regardless of who is behind the handle of our products. It was not our intention to offend any group with the image, and we are working to remove it from where it’s being used as soon as possible.”

Which, of course, begs the question, why would the brand employ Rosie the Riveter, an iconic symbol of women’s movement out of the kitchen, to urge womwn to get back into the kitchen? It’s like some 22 year old creative read Wikipedia and totally misunderstood what she stood for.

It’s all well and good that a brand issue a swift apology but how and why do faux pauxs like this continue to happen. It’s like the teacher left the schoolyard and the children have run wild.

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Chevy Reduces Women to Color-Obsessed Shopoholics


Because, after all, we know fashion conscious women always choose their vehicle for its color and not its performance. And they obviously don’t know how to drive right either. And all they like to do all day long is shop. And eat chocolate. But if we are being shallow and choosing, I’ll take the leggy brunette in the pleated miniskirt.

The ad comes to us courtesy of Commonwealth. It was shot by Angus Wall and produced by Elastic

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