VW Supports Independent Film With Movie Riffs


DDB UK is out with new work for VW’s See Film Differently campaign which supports independent cinema.

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Slow Motion Booty Shots Sell Surfer Girl Swimwear


Now this is how you market surfer girl swimwear.

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Internet Week Summarized Infographic-Style


Nothing, it seems, can occur these days without an infographic to explain it. So it is without surprise we have an infographic, courtesy of Synthesio to neatly wrap up Internet Week.

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‘Shell’ Wants Nigerians to Live With Its Oil Problems


It’s truly amazing how easy it is to pull the proverbial wool over people’s eyes. Witness these two videos from WorseThanBad.org, a group that aims to hold Shell accountable for spills in Nigeria.

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Steve Jobs Honored at The Webby Awards


Internet Week culminated tonight with The 15th Annual Webby Awards. Steve Jobs was given a warm tribute.

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Giant Balloons Are Irresistable

Giant Balloons Are Irresistible

Giant balloons are the perfect way for you to promote your business, whether you are a large corporation or a small business owner.

What makes these big balloons so very special?

For starters, when you advertise by using these huge balloons, there are so many options that are available to you. You can make these big ad balloons as unique as you want to. Yes, you can get these balloons tailor made to meet your business needs.

ad balloon with custom logo

Ad Balloons Increase Visibility

Any color, any shape and any size you want. And it does not stop at that. You can even set up these balloons anywhere you want to. And, you can use them to promote just about anything under the sun (or the moon, for that matter!)

No matter what the reason of your advertising
You could be advertising for any reason, other than the obvious fact that you want to grow your business. Perhaps you are advertising because you have a special promo on at the moment. Or you have a grand sale. Or there is a grand opening. Or maybe you are advertising as you want to increase your visibility.

Whatever the reason for your advertising, you can be sure of one thing, these big balloons are definitely a great way of attracting customers.

Custom made Giant balloons

With this form of advertising, you can be as unique as you want to be. By being as unique as possible, you will thus make your business stand out. And, when you use these advertising balloons, they are so huge that it is very easy for you to be unique.

But, you can go a step further and make your advertising even more unique. You can get these balloons made to look like your logo. This way, people will always recognize your logo. And, you can be even more unique by getting these balloons made in the form of a product or service that you are offering.

Lemonade in the sky
For instance, if you sell cold drinks then you can get a big balloon custom made to look like a cold drink bottle. And you can have the name of your company or your logo or some kind of message written across it. You can be sure that this is definitely going to capture the attention of people.

Just imagine a giant bottle of lemonade or cola in the sky? Nobody would be able to resist looking at such giant balloons.

Giant Balloons Are Irresistable is a post from: Advertising Balloons

Related posts:

  1. Giant Balloons Maximize Your Advertising Budget
  2. Giant Balloons
  3. Advertising Balloons in Marketing
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Barbarian Group, Mother Host Rooftop Relaxation, Concert


So Thursday night during Internet Week, the cool ad agencies had their parties.

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How We Share Content And Why


In a lively, amiably contentious, and occasionally absurdist Internet Week panel titled “The Science of Spread: What Are People Sharing, Why Are They Sharing It, And Where Does It Come From,” experts in the field dispensed wisdom and opinions on how internet users interact with memes and viral content.

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How Brands Can Increase Engagement With Mobile Apps


At the Appnation conference held during Internet Week in New York, a panel entitled Leveraging Apps (And the Mobile Web) to Drive Brand Preference and Engagement, discussed the various strategies and methods they have used for their brands.

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Patton Oswalt to Host 16th Annual Webby Awards


Don’t miss it. Wait, miss what? The Webby Awards!

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