Crazy Rob Zombie Cures Ant-Fueled Craziness


This Rob Zombie-directed slice of horrific wit has fun with the children’s song, The Ants Go Marching. As only Zombie can, he conjures a situation where a woman is driven so crazy by the presence of ants that she becomes overwhelmed with the uncontrollable urge to, well, go crazy and kill.

Thankfully, there’s Amdro which, because it annihilates ants, can return even the craziest person to a state of calm.

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Levi’s Helps Millennials Take Over the World


Writing in More About Advertising, Stephen Foster says Levi’s has “lightened up” with a follow up to the Wieden + Kennedy-created opus, Go Forth Braddock. That spot, if you recall, pulled the heartstrings by focusing on American despair and how that despair, so says the commercial, motivates people to work towards a goal. Idealistic is an understatement.

The agency’s new work, This is a Pair of Levi’s, is far from a “lightening up” of the original. In fact, it pours on the hipsterific poetics as if the entire world suddenly and collectively participated in a gigantic hand-waving, come-to-Jesus beatnik meeting of epic proportion.

As a collection of citified youngsters prepare for the day, a voiceover amps up the rhetoric with anthem-like intensity that likens the mundane act of going to work to…oh…landing a rover on Mars.

It’s preposterously stupid and laughable. But when you’re sitting around a conference room table high on Starbucks with your heart racing from that team-wide group fist bump you all experienced before walking in to the client presentation…this shit is awesome!

At one point, the voiceover intones, “It’s the thread in your seams that’s tied to your dreams.” That was the punchline, right? That’s when we’re supposed to laugh at this epic inside joke, right?



Boom! This…is a pair of Levi’s.

Remember when Levi’s where just a pair of jeans?

And the Braddock opus:

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The Most Twisted Ice Cream Ad You Will Ever See


In what is, without doubt, the strangest ice cream commercial you will ever see, Philadelphia-based Little Baby’s Ice Cream introduces an entirely new way to enjoy its super premium, 16 percent butter fat ice cream.

With all the creepiness of a pedophile, an announcer intones the wonders of “eating baby’s ice cream” the as a man (woman?) scoops ice cream off his (her?) head.

Seriously twisted stuff but with all the proper ingredients to become a viral success.

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Adrants (Finally) Gets A Proper Mobile Site


Yes, it’s true. Adrants now has a proper mobile site. It’s not perfect. It’s not complete. But it is far better than trying to view the full site on a mobile device. We used Mojaba to create it…ourselves! No mobile designer needed. Let us know what you think.

And, yes, we know it needs more work. It’s fueled by the RSS feed (which, by the way, is now a full feed for you RSS junkies) so it’s not perfect but it works. Have fun. Go to to see it.

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Mobile Ad Spend to Hit $6.4 Billion in 2012


A new report from eMarketer pegs global mobile spending at $6.43 for 2012. US mobile ad spend will hit $2.29 billion, up 96.6 percent from $1.16 billion in 2011. Until this year, Japan was the leader in mobile ad spend with $1.36 billion in 2011. While mobile is more mature in Japan, eMarketer estimates Japan will see a 27.2 percent increase in spending to $1.74 billion in 2012.

Asia-Pacific is still a strong mobile advertising market, particularly in South Korea and Japan, keeping it far ahead of Europe in mobile spending. Mobile ad spending in Asia-Pacific will reach $2.56 billion in 2012, according to eMarketer, while mobile advertising spending in Western Europe and Eastern Europe will reach $1.3 billion and $121.1 million, respectively, this year.

Additional findings:

– Spending on mobile advertising in the US will top all other regions in the world for the first time in 2012.

– Global mobile ad spending will reach $6.43 billion in 2012, yet account for just 1% of total ad spending worldwide.

– The mobile advertising market in Asia-Pacific remains far bigger than in Europe.

– Mobile advertising, though just 2.3% of total ad spending in the UK, is expected to take a record share by 2016, reaching 11% of total ad spending there.

– China is set to become the world’s second-largest advertising market in 2013, and the second-largest digital advertising market the following year, behind the US.

– The strength of ad spending in Asia-Pacific, combined with the Olympics, will help buoy total ad spending growth to 7.4% in 2012, despite economic concerns in Europe.

– Digital advertising, as expected, will take a record 20% share of total ad spending this year worldwide. eMarketer estimates online ad spend worldwide will reach $107.33 billion in 2012, up from $88.47 billion last year.

– Mobile, despite rapid growth, accounts for just 1% of total ad spending worldwide.


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Christmas Inflatables Are A Must For Christmas

Christmas Inflatables

Christmas inflatables are a must for the fast approaching Christmas season.

Christmas inflatables are a must for the fast approaching Xmas season, if you truly want to celebrate the festive spirit.

Christmas inflatable - holiday train shape inflatable

Christmas Inflatables Make for Merriment

Decorating for Christmas

Christmas is almost upon us, so have you planned your decorations for the festive season? Most people leave this for the last moment and then they just hurry and set up decorations in any which way. But decorations are part of the festive season and it is important that some time be spent on setting them up right, if the Christmas spirit is really to be enjoyed.

But, if you really want to stand out during the festive season then you must ensure that you have the best lights and decorations in the entire neighborhood.

 Christmas inflatables are just what you need

As people all over the neighborhood would be setting up all kinds of beautiful lights and decorations, how do you ensure that you stand out? A great way to do so is by setting up large blowups for Christmas, in your house, in your backyard or even at your business place.

You will get these blowups in so many different sizes and shapes and the best part is that they are priced extremely economically. You can buy these giant Christmas blowups in the shape of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, Snowmen, Disney characters, Reindeer and various other fun Xmas characters.

Santa Claus shape holiday inflatable

Santa Claus Inflatables! HO! HO! HO!

 So much to these Holiday Inflatables

You will even be able to get these blowups with various kinds of special effects and you can also get them with various kinds of music and different kinds of animated effects. Truly, the choices before you are just so amazing. And the best part is the cost, they are so cheap and you can buy them anywhere from $20 to $ 300.

Thus you can get a giant blowup for Xmas of your choice and your budget and you can decide how many you want to buy to keep on display in your home or in your yard or even at your business premises.


Many advantages to these giant inflatables of Christmas

There are many advantages to getting these huge inflatables for Christmas. For one, they can be set up very easily by you, without taking the help of anyone else. Two, they can be used by you, year after year, saving you of the costs of buying new decorations every year.

Plus, they are very durable and when you set up these Christmas inflatables, you can bet on it that people are going to sit up and notice what you have done – and of course, the whole neighborhood will be talking about your decorations and you.

Call 1-800-791-1445 for Christmas Inflatables!

Christmas Inflatables Are A Must For Christmas is a post from: Advertising Balloons

Related posts:

  1. Christmas Inflatables
  2. Holiday Inflatables Are Fun
  3. Christmas Inflatables Are Fun
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Mother’s Animal Launches Olympic Medal


Mother’s publishing arm, Animal, has launched Medal Count, a customizable online destination that makes it easy to keep track of Olympic medal wins.

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Window Washer Invites Workaholics to Ultimat Vodka Party


Employing a unique strategy to pimp its vodka client, Ultimat, Amalgamated hired window washers, spruced them up a bit and sent them up and down the sides of high rises in New York and Chicago with placards urging workers to take a break, work less and join the brand atop the roof for a vodka-fueled party.

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Apple Shoots Self in Foot With New Windows-Like Campaign


So everyone is piling on TBWA\Chiat\Day for two its most recent Apple commercials in which a Dell Dude-like character comes to the rescue of people in the midst of various computing nightmares. The piling on is well warranted for one simple reason; Apple products are supposed to be so easy to use that you rarely have to call in an Apple Genius for help.

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How to Bridge the Gap Between Social Network and Website


It has been well documented that just having a Facebook page or sending the occasional tweet are not enough to have a significant, sustainable impact on business results. The good news is that there are multiple ways to take advantage of the social media space, and one of the most effective places to start is actually from your own website.

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