Inflatable Advertising Man

Inflatable Advertising Man

Inflatable advertising man is just what you need to get people to notice your business.

When the going gets tough

Running a business is no piece of cake today, be it a conglomeration or a small family business. The amount of headaches and labor involved is the same. The big trouble with any business of today is getting people to notice it.

red color inflatable advertising man with lettering

Inflatable Advertising Man Gets Results

One of the many reasons why people just fail to take notice of a business is because there are just too many businesses offering the same kind of product or service. The competition has become so stiff, that people, find it almost as good as impossible to differentiate between one business and another, unless of course the business is a leading global brand. But not all businesses are global brands and thus, if you are an owner of a small business, you need to get people to notice you.

Getting noticed with an inflatable advertising man

The big problem faced by businesses today is getting people to notice them. One of the other reasons why people do not notice businesses and what they are selling is because people have no time as they are already stressed out and suffering from information overload.

So, in order to make people notice your product or service you must actually shout out in their face. Now of course, you cannot physically shout out – you need to so make people notice you and you can only do this is by getting their attention. And one of the best ways to get the attention of people is by using a giant inflatable in the shape of a man.

How can this be useful?

Just imagine this – you are the owner of a pizza restaurant. You can get a 10 meter tall (even taller), inflatable made in the form of a worker cartoon. You can get this made in any color you want, you can even get it made so that it has a 3D effect. And you can get it done in such a way that it glows in the dark. Call 1-800-791-1445 for an inflatable advertising balloon.

Such a giant inflatable man would have a tremendous impact on your business. People driving by and searching for pizza would at once know of your restaurant. Also, the dancing balloon could become a kind of a landmark in your area and people would use it to remember other things in your area. But most of all they would recall your business. In this way such an inflatable advertising man could be used to promote and advertise all kinds of businesses and generate more sales for the business.

For more information:

Inflatable Advertising Man is a post from: Advertising Balloons

Related posts:

  1. Inflatable Advertising Man
  2. Inflatable Advertising Man
  3. Inflatable Advertising Man
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Little Mermaid Gets Boob Job in Plastic Surgery Ad


Falling squarely in the semi-blasphemous category is this ad for Venezuelan plastic surgery center Clinica Dempere which shows what happens to our favorite Disney characters undergo the knife.

In the ads, Evil Witch, the Frog Prince and Little Mermaid (Ariel) become transformed. Evil Witch gets major facial reconstruction and becomes a hottie, Frog Prince has a total body transformation and becomes a debonair hunk. And Little Mermaid has her tail removed, her boobs enlarged and her face transformed into, well, a train wreck as compared to Ariel’s original beautilicious innocence.

We’re all for bigger boobs in certain circumstances (especially in the case of this dancer whose boobs kept spilling out of both the top and the bottom of her much too small top) but not when it comes to the overblown efforts of some who feel turning a human into a freak is worth getting paid for.

The least they could have done was make Ariel look pretty.



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Pinterest Gets Monitoring Tool, Sasquatch Discovers Coffee


– Viral Heat has launched Pinterest Monitoring and Analytics, a suite of tools to, well, monitor a brand’s activity on Pinterest.

– Mullen pays tribute to Willy Wonka director Mel Stuart who recently passed away.

– Yet another wacky Snackin’ with Sasquatch Jack Links Beek Jerky commercial from Carmichael Lynch.

– Pizza Hut wants its customers to help them design the perfect pizza delivery vehicle.

– Ben & Jerry’s wants you to spoon.

Nutella wants to be part of Australian’s morning routine.

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Giant Balloons Are A Must For Business Advertising

Giant Balloons Are A Must For Business Advertising

Giant balloons are a must for advertising any kind of business today.
Giant balloons are a must for advertising any kind of business today, big or small it does not matter.

What is the purpose of advertising?
Obviously, you or anyone else in the world would advertise with the intention of attracting more and more customers. But this is really easier said than done because in the world that we live in, people really do not care about looking at ads as they are too busy with their own lives.

giant custom helium balloon in tire shape

Custom Giant Balloons Work!

Thus, no matter how much money you may spend on your advertising campaign, irrespective of how big your biz is or how little, you will have wasted your money – it is after all a waste if nobody is going to watch your ads.

And so…giant balloons
As people are no longer interested in watching ads on TV or listening to ads on the radio or seeing them in magazines, newspapers, etc., there has been a need for a form of advertising that really captures the attention of people. And this need has been felt by both large companies as well as small biz owners.

These gigantic advertising balloons are a great way of advertising due to many reasons. For one, people at once notice them and this of course means advertising money well spent. Second, these big balloons can be made to be as unique as possible, the more unique the better and in this way, people are guaranteed to not only notice these balloons, they are bound to make it a point to recall what they have seen. And of course, recall is very important for any business. The more a customer or a potential customer can remember your business opportunity, the more likely your chances of getting sales.

No matter what your need
Whether you want to advertise as you’ve got a gala opening or whether you want to do some kind of a special promotion for your business or whether you are just having a sale for a particular season or whether you just want to boost your exposure in the market – making use of these gigantic ad balloons is definitely a great way to get your business noticed.

It does not matter whether your business is small or big, when you use these huge balloons to advertise your business, you can be sure that you are getting all the exposure that you need. And the best part is that you do not have to worry about having to spend a fortune on these giant balloons as they are available real cheap. What more could you want to get your business booming?

Giant Balloons Are A Must For Business Advertising is a post from: Advertising Balloons

Related posts:

  1. Giant balloons will make your business into a local landmark
  2. Giant Balloons Build Your Business
  3. Giant Balloons Drive Traffic To Your Business
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Clickbooth Says It’s Good to Be On Top


If you are attending Affiliate Summit in New York next week, you might have noticed there are three competing parties Monday night during the conference. You might have received numerous emails from the organizers of these events as well as the event sponsors.

In the past, we have attended parties by all three of these organizer and all have been well attended, enjoyable events. Which is really why we wish they weren’ all on the same night. Sunday night would work just as well as Monday night, Yes, yes, ShareASale always has it’s party Sunday night but it starts early and ends early. The other three parties tend to be later at night so it wouldn’t be so much of a conflict.

Anyway, we don’t plan the parties. We can only comment and suggest. While we aren’t going to miss the Affiliate Ball which, this year, will feature hosts Ice T and Coco, we’re also not going to miss the Clickbooth party which happens Monday night at Hudson Terrace rooftop lounge. The party will feature a performances by Juvenile, DJ Jamm, open bar and Scores Girls dancers.

Check out pictures from the last Clickbooth party. No doubt, it will be fun this time around as well. RSVP here.

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Axe Gets Creepy With UpSkirt Cam


If the internet is to be believed, the Japanese have a well-known predilection for certain kinds fetishistic thinking and behavior. Whether it’s a penchant for knee socks or face farting (seriously), the Japanese take the definition of fetish to new levels.

So it is without surprise that a brand marketing to the Japanese would leverage a fetish or two. With its Axe Dry Hot Angle, which allows one to visit a site and get a low angle view of a few hot Japanese women, the brand has its bases covered.

During a press event, low angle cameras captured plenty of upskirt (and knee high stocking) action. A companion website allows visitors to use their webcam to do the same. We couldn’t get our camera to do anything at all. Which is all well and good. We’re perverted enough on our own. We don’t need any help.

But AdVerve got it to work.

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TBWA Creates Ethereal Epic For Nissan Patrol


We’re not usually a fan of epic grandeur in commercials but we have to admit, we really like this TBWA\G1 and TBWA\Moscow-created work for the Nissan Patrol. The slow moving, quietly moody spot opens on a Nissan Patrol winding its way through the woods as seemingly forest-dwelling onlookers watch the vehicle’s movements. As it, and the groom within, finally make their arrival at what appears to be a wedding held on the edge of a cliff, the ethereal spot becomes grounded in reality.

Directed by multimedia artist Bruno Aveillan, the spot is scored to the music of Bonobo

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TBWA Creates Ethereal Epic For Nissan Patrol


We’re not usually a fan of epic grandeur in commercials but we have to admit, we really like this TBWA\G1 and TBWA\Moscow-created work for the Nissan Patrol. The slow moving, quietly moody spot opens on a Nissan Patrol winding its way through the woods as seemingly forest-dwelling onlookers watch the vehicle’s movements. As it, and the groom within, finally make their arrival at what appears to be a wedding held on the edge of a cliff, the ethereal spot becomes grounded in reality.

Directed by multimedia artist Bruno Aveillan, the spot is scored to the music of Bonobo

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Cadbury Goes Olympic, Grolsch Gives Beer Away


– Some interesting Cadbury Idents running in Ireland during the Olympics.

– Check out this Grolsch case study that overviews their mobile-enabled campaign with the brand’s famed Journt Von Des, a police inspector who never speaks but always gets his man.

– Here’s that Singapore National Day video that asks citizens to have sex to raise the birth rate.

– comScore has announced the launch of comScore TabLens™, a monthly syndicated service providing insights into U.S. tablet ownership and usage. Based on a 3-month rolling sample of 6,000 U.S. tablet owners, TabLens will provide insight into tablet audiences, including demographics, content consumption habits and device ownership, to provide the industry with the most up-to-date look at this expanding tablet market.

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Crazy Rob Zombie Cures Ant-Fueled Craziness


This Rob Zombie-directed slice of horrific wit has fun with the children’s song, The Ants Go Marching. As only Zombie can, he conjures a situation where a woman is driven so crazy by the presence of ants that she becomes overwhelmed with the uncontrollable urge to, well, go crazy and kill.

Thankfully, there’s Amdro which, because it annihilates ants, can return even the craziest person to a state of calm.

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