This Southern Comfort Ad Makes Us Long For A Fat Guy in A Speedo


It’s hard to follow up on a classic. And Southern Comfort’s original Whatever’s Comfortable ad, Beach, was, indeed, a classic. Wieden + Kennedy miraculously made a paunchy guy walking down the beach in a Speedo actually look cool.

That ad was followed by Shampoo and Karate and now we have Dance. Dance is all about a guy “dancing like the entire internet isn’t watching.” And we really shouldn’t bother watching because, well, it’s boring beyond belief and carries none of the original panache.

Sadly, it appears the campaign is now being dialed in which is a shame given the potential the original presented.

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Mobile Marketing to Generate $400 Billion in Sales by 2015


Mobile marketing. We’ve been talking about it for years, right? And debating when it will arrive. Or the fact that it already has. To keep the debate churning, we’ve got a boatload of stats — and and infographic as well — to keep you knee deep in the debate over whether or not mobile has finally arrived.

In 2011, mobile marketing became a $14 billion industry. By 2015, retailers and marketers will spend $19.8 billion on mobile marketing, up from $6.7 billion in 2012.In 2016, that number will hit $22 billion.

By the end of 2013, 15% of all online retail sales will have been made through mobile devices with mobile commerce hitting $39 billion.

Check out the inforgraphic below for more mobile stats.

Mobile Marketing: No Longer a Spam & Pop-up World

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Kenneth Cole Doesn’t Want Our Marketing Advice


It’s clear Kenneth Cole doesn’t give a crap about what pundits, the media or his customers think about his attempts to leverage major news events to his brand’s advantage. Just today, after having been lambasted for a tweet about Cairo (and plenty of other similarly stupid tweets), Cole, who runs his own Twitter account, tweeted, “Boots on the ground” or not. Let’s not forget sandals, pumps and loafers. #Footwear”

"Boots on the ground" or not, let's not forget about sandals, pumps and loafers. #Footwear

— Kenneth Cole (@KennethCole) September 5, 2013

Responses to Cole’s tweet are unilaterally negative with followers dubbing it the “dumbest tweet of the month” and asking “Mocking war to sell fashion?”

Clearly, the man either doesn’t want our advice or, more likely, couldn’t give a shit.

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Volkswagen. So Fast It Will Birth Your Baby and Make You Skinny


In a series of five new Red Urban-created ads for Volkswagen Canada, we are shown just how awesome the Golf GTD’s acceleration is and how that acceleration can have sometimes good and sometimes bad effects on its passengers.

So, you have been warned. Be very, very careful the next time you get into your Golf GTD.

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How Agencies Have Reinvented Themselves for the Social Era


The rise of social media has forced marketers and agencies to re-evaluate how they structure teams to better handle this new layer of marketing communication. It got us thinking.

How are agencies reconfiguring their teams to better function in the digital and social marketing era? How have agencies benefited from working not just with traditional creatives but how have they cast a wider net to include developers, freelance specialists and other partners? How do they then guard against “too many chefs in the kitchen”?

We queried several agencies and asked them what they are doing and what they have changed to improve how they work in an increasingly interconnected but complex industry. Some have retooled their org charts. Other have formed close partnerships. And still others have formed teams of people with seemingly unrelated skill sets.


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There Is Something Wrong With This UGG For Men Ad Featuring Tom Brady


In an analogy of his career and love for the team bus, Tom Brady can be seen walking through a 250 foot bus in this M&C Saatchi LA-created UGG For Men ad entitled “For Gamechangers.” The ad chronicles Brady’s journey from high school athlete to Super Bowl-winning NFL player and consummate man of character.

It’s too bad that 250 feet of awesomeness isn’t actually 250 feet. Take note when he gets off the bus at the end of the spot. We know, we know, it’s supposed to be a metaphor. But still.

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Once Again, Boobs Distract From Ad Concept


Wait, what? There was a man with dollar bills stuck all over him while driving a speedboat in this Geico commercial? Really? Seriously? All we saw were two super hot, delectably delicious and bodaciously boobylicious babes lounging on the bow of another boat. Someone also told us there’s a voiceover. We didn’t hear a thing.

Guess we should have our eyes (and ears) examined.

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This is How Facebook is Going to Die


Yesterday, Facebook’s market value topped $100 billion. Zuck must be smitten his baby is now worth close to last year’s original IPO valuation. Market confidence, which Monday included a stock price increase of 1.9% to $41.34 with a daily high of $41.94 (the highest since the IPO), is said to be bolstered by belief Facebook just might deliver on its mobile advertising promise. The upswing is certainly positive news for the social network which hit a stock price low of $17.73 in September.

But can Zuckerberg, whose baby now realizes 41% of its quarterly advertising revenue from smartphone and tablet-centric promotions, really make a go of it when recent Pew research find teens have a “waning enthusiasm for Facebook”? The report states dislike for the incessant over-sharing that is part and parcel of the service. But, more importantly, teens are miffed all their parents and their parents friends are now on Facebook.

What could be more horrific to a teen than mom and dad commenting on a recent post with well-intentioned love, affection and pride that in teen-speak can only translate to extreme “did you see what Sally’s mom posted?” embarrassment? No matter how well-intentioned, parents embarrass their kids. It’s just a fact of life. And while many parents insist upon friending their children, there’s not one out there under the age of, say, 20, who actually wants that online friendship.

So while mobile ad revenue may be boosting Facebook’s health, it’s no secret kids wants their own, parent-free playground. For example, Twitter has seen a 16% increase in teen usage from 2011 to 2012. Not that Twitter is parent-free but it’s easier to avoid them.

Summarizing its recent BI Intelligence report on teen’s mobile-first usage, the publication wrote, ” we may be witnessing is the unraveling of a unitary, centralized social media landscape, dominated by Facebook, into a set of multipolar nodes. Facebook warded off the Instagram threat by buying the company, but it won’t always be possible for the company to neutralize threats with acquisitions.”

It’s no secret services like Snapchat and the recently Yahoo!-acquired Tumblr have been heavily fueled by teen usage. In fact, a recent Survata survey found more 13-18-year-old teens (61%) use Tumblr than Facebook (55%).

Perhaps, lending the best insight into this apparent shift by teens away from Facebook, 13-year-old Ruby Karp wrote in a Mashable article, I’m 13 and None of My Friends Use Facebook, “Part of the reason Facebook is losing my generation’s attention is the fact that there are other networks now. When I was 10, I wasn’t old enough to have a Facebook. But a magical thing called Instagram had just come out … and our parents had no idea there was an age limit. Rapidly, all my friends got Instagrams. Teens are followers. That’s just what we are. If all my friends are getting this cool new thing called Snapchat, I want it, too! We want what’s trending, and if Facebook isn’t ‘trending,’ teens won’t care.”

Commenting further on the embarrassment factor of teens and their parents using the same social network, Karp writes, “Let’s say I get invited to a party, and there’s underage drinking. I’m not drinking, but someone pulls out a camera. Even if I’m not carrying a red Solo cup, I could be photographed behind a girl doing shots. Later that week, the dumb-dumb decides to post photos from that ‘amazing’ party. If my mom saw I was at a party with drinking, even if I wasn’t participating, I’d be dead. This isn’t Facebook’s fault, but it happens there.”

She’s right. While every parent certainly wants to know what their teens are doing when they are out and about, Facebook fosters an almost creepy form of supervision. It’s like having your parents supervise your Junior High prom. While parents want to be able to supervise their children at all times, children will attempt to avoid it like the plague.

We’re certainly not here to debate the merits of proper parentage but it’s clear children will do whatever it takes — and this has become increasingly easier in an age of endless digital choice — to avoid their parents whenever that can.

What does this mean for Zuck who, let’s be honest, was just a kid, himself, a few years ago? It means his baby is going to become a rest home for the over 40 crowd.

Of course, it should be said there’s nothing wrong with the over 40 crowd, especially when it comes to their disposable income one assumes every smart marketer desires. But, alas, most marketers are just dumb. They love a shiny new object and in lemming-like fashion they’re going to chase that flash because, let’s be honest again, that 30-year-old marketing director who recently edged out that supremely more qualified but far too grey and uncool 50-year-old, would much rather create a hip, cool, edgy marketing program fronted by a hip, cool, edgy and very youthful celebrity that appeals to teens than some washed-up celebrity has-been that, if the marketer did their homework, would realize actually does have a rock-solid connection with the over 40 crowd who, as we all know, has money to spend.

While it’s teens who are shifting away from Facebook, it’s the marketers who will pull the money that fuels the network.

And that’s why Facebook will fail. It won’t happen overnight. It may not happen in the next decade. But it will happen. Which, of course, is sad and frustrating. Because we’ll all have to start the stupid cycle over again. Teens find cool, new toy. Parents discover it a few years later. Teens leave. Cool, new toy goes out to pasture.

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If You Have A Heart, This Wrigley Gum Ad Will Make You Cry


Years ago, I discovered my daughter loved snow globes. When I travel, and I travel a lot, I like to give my daughter snow globes from the various cities to which I travel. As the years went on, this became a bit more difficult as airports cracked down on the amount of liquid you could bring through security. But over the years, I was able to bring home a globe from most major cities around the country. For a time, she used to place them all on her bureau in her bedroom. Some are still there but as the collection grew, some had to be placed in boxes.

While my daughter is still quite a few years away from college, I can identify with the emotion the father in this Wrigley Extra Gum commercial experiences as he sends his daughter off to college and discovers she has saved every origami creature he made for her (out of gum wrappers) over the years.

Of course, my daughter would need a crate or two to take all her snow globes to college but I’d like to think that one day I, too, will have the experience that is shared in this BBDO Chicago-created commercial.

It’s definitely a heart string tugger.

The campaign aims to stem category losses that began in 2009 with Wrigley losing 5.54% in the last year as kids gravitated to energy drinks and chocolate.

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DirecTV So Good This Guy Wants to Have Sex With It


In, perhaps, the silliest commercial for a cable or satellite TV service we have ever seen, Director Adam Huber put together this spec spot for DirecTV which has us believing the service is so good, you’d crawl into bed with it, give it a cuddle and maybe even have sex with it.

We anxiously await contact from DirecTV asking us to remove this drivel from the interwebs even though, repeat after me, THIS IS A SPEC SPOT.

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