Google Chrome, Dead Mom Brings Daughter Closer to Father


Google Creative Lab and BBH New York have added to their long-ish running “The web is what you make of it” campaign which demonstrates how Chrome and other Google products can make life easier. This latest entry takes a look at the relationship between a daughter in college and her father and they both cope with the recent loss of mom. It’s playful like other campaign entries but carries a bit of a bittersweet tone that may resonate with some better than others.

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How to Make Your Online Ad Campaign Kick Ass


Online advertising is great, right? Everything is trackable and ROI can be determined quickly. You can optimize your campaigns to death at the click of a mouse. You can razor-target specific audience slices as easily as ticking a few check boxes. OK, so it’s not exactly that easy but you get the point

However, it’s not as rosy as many of us would like to believe. In the midst of all that clicktastic awesomeness, how do you manage the barrage of data that online advertising has barfed up with the force of Niagara Falls after a five day downpour?

Well there’s these things called data management platforms or DMPs that are designed to extract meaningful insight from that deluge of data so marketers can make informed decisions. Bluekai is one such provider and they have written a report, part of the Adrants whitepaper series, that aims to teach marketers how they can use a DMP analytics platform to tie together different data streams to improve campaign efficiency and ROI.

Download the whitepaper now and get a clear and concise picture of your online marketing efforts.

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Printed Advertising Balloons

Printed Advertising Balloons

Advertising balloons can be printed in all colors

Advertising balloons can be printed in all colors, making your advertising campaign all the more unique and effective.

How are so many colors possible?

As a result of the advances in printing by way of image transfer screen and offset printing varieties, it has now become possible to print giant ad balloons in all kinds of colors. If you have a large number of these giant balloons that need to be printed and you want to cut down on costs of printing, then it is best that you opt for inkjet printing. Of course, you need to keep in mind that the quality of the images of this kind of printing is low.

One of the best kinds of these giant balloons is made of polyurethane. This kind of a balloon will give you many advantages over your competition.

polyurethane ad balloon

Printed ad balloons get noticed!

So what makes these such great advertising balloons?

These particular balloons have been crafted in such a way that they immediately get the eye of anyone whom sees them. Thus when you put your company name or log or image or telephone number on this, it is at once visible.

By using various kinds of these polyurethane balloons, it is possible to even create a kind of cozy atmosphere, one that resembles that of a celebration taking place. Thus it is definitely a great idea to have such a balloon when you are having an event. This is because when people, come to an event, they feel so very comfortable when they see such a balloon at the place.

Giant balloons are the heart of any advertising campaign today

This is because both big companies and small business owners have now realized that it is extremely hard to get the attention of people. People just do not have the time to look at ads, whether they are on the radio, on television, on billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc.

Also it costs a fortune to advertise in such media. And if after spending so much money, the advertising is just not effective, it makes no sense to spend this kind of money. And that is why advertisers are now using huge balloons to advertise their businesses.

Tremendous impact with these gigantic ad balloons

This is a very excellent advertising vehicle and both big companies as well small advertisers have now woken up to the fact that advertising balloons can give their business a tremendous boost, the way that other adverting media cannot do so.

Call 1-800-791-1445 for printed balloons.


Printed Advertising Balloons is a post from: Advertising Balloons

Related posts:

  1. Printed Balloons
  2. Advertising balloons have tremendous benefits and that is why they are so popular
  3. Promotional Balloons For Business
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‘Yawn-vertising’ Aims to Enlist PGA Golfers As BMW Brand Ambassadors


This weekend hoping to enlist PGA Tour golfers as brand ambassadors, BMW of North America, with help from Raleigh-based agency Baldwin& (no, that’s not a typo), will affix posters above the beds in the Crooked Stick Golf Club in Carmel, IN that show the front grill and logo of the BMW M.

When golfers turn out the lights for the night, the vehicle’s headlights will glow and a headline will appear. It reads, “Don’t count sheep. Count RPMs” followed by copy which reads, “To reserve your spot at the BMW M driving experience, visit the BMW hospitality concierge.”

If golfers turn on the and turn to the hotel’s relaxation channel, they will be met by soothing sounds of the BMW M and an image of the car’s dashboard along with a headline that reads, “You are now entering RPM sleep. This audio experience has been designed by BMW to help you fall asleep as fast as possible. Because Thursday is the players-only BMW Track Day. And yawning at 100 mph is not very aerodynamic. See you on the track.”

Golfers who elect to attend BMW Track Day, will get to take an M car through a closed Indianapolis Motor Speedway racecourse.

The intention, of course, is to get these influential golfers into the vehicles so that, while they may not buy, they’ll certainly regale the experience to their equally wealthy friends.



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Gaming Gets Karma, ADC Showcases Creative Talent


– Extreme Group has launched Karma Gaming and a new executive team with an epic-ish video.

– On Thursday, September 13th, the Art Directors Club launches new series ‘CRE8,’ an ongoing initiative by the ADC that will showcase creative talent by collaborating with a partners across the advertising, music + art industries.

– To celebrate the arrival of the Spark, Chevrolet is partnering with MTV Iggy, a multiplatform brand elevating global artists and pop culture trends, to launch “Cover the World,” a new online music showcase that will bring artists from abroad to North American shores along with the Spark.

– Blazing Dragonfly vodkas say add some vodka to your body. After all, the body is 75% water and only 0.02% alcohol.

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Adrants Jobs: Content Manager, Copywriter, Graphic Designer


Here’s your weekly roundup of some of the more interesting jobs to be found on the Adrants Job Board. You can always find the listings in the right hand column of the site or here on the job listings page. Read on for this week’s interesting job opportunities.

Content Manager
Univision Radio
Los Angeles, CA (Multiple locations)

Digital Marketing Business Analyst
Detroit, MI

San Francisco, CA

Graphic Designer
Mountain View, CA

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Why Girls Love Social Media


Along the lines of Google Chrome Coffee and Happy Hour Fail, RankPop has created a hilarious video that takes a look at why girls love social media. Or, perhaps, more correctly, why guys might want to be wary.

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Urban Outfitters T-Shirts Glorify Drinking


Urban Outfitters, as they have for years, is once again pushing buttons. This time it’s moms who aren’t too happy the clothing brand is out with a line of t-shirts that, it would seem, advocates drinking.

Four new t-shirts read, “USA Drinking Team,” “Vote for Vodka,” “Misery Loves Alcohol” ands one with blurry letters that read “I Drink You’re Cute.”

Mothers Against Drunk Driving President Jan Withers told the New York Times, “As a mother, these shirts are not acceptable for children under the age of 21. If they’re targeting that audience, then they’re sending the message that it’s cool to drink. We know of the dangers of underage drinking and the fact that it’s just downright illegal.”

With Urban Outfitters customer base mostly 18-24, much of this outrage may be warranted. Is this just harmless fun or does Urban Outfitters need a good spanking?

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Parody PSA Introduces New ‘Legitimate Rape’ Drug


On the heels of the Todd Akin legitimate rape ad gaffe, a parody from Laura Napoli and Joel Silberman has taken YouTube and, well, the entire internet, by storm. The hilarious 1:30 lambastes the notion of legitimate rape in a brilliantly tongue and cheek fashion. The video’s producers have also launched a Facebook page.

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Is ‘BIC For Her’ Really A Social Media Debacle?


So everyone’s got their panties in a twist over the BIC for Her pen situation. It’s being called a social media disaster, a debacle and, yes, yet another example of a brand asleep at the social media steering wheel. These are all valid points. But, perhaps, not to the degree we inside the inner circles of marketing would like them to be.

Writing in Advertising Age today, B.L Ochman, who is one of the most astute, bright and wonderfully friendly people on the planet wrote, “Judging by their clueless lack of response, BIC richly deserves its place in the anals of online brand goofs.”

Pointing out how many missteps the brand took in this situation, Ochman continued, “Despite the fact that the buzz has been growing for weeks, the brand did not have the foresight to secure @BicForHer on Twitter, where a spoof account has already been launched, nor did they buy the URL, which is available for $12.99. A Tumblr blog is chronicling the funniest reviews and blog posts. An ad for BIC for Her launched last week, and is fast picking up derisive comments on YouTube. And through it all, BIC is silent.”

Ochman is correct in her assertion that the brand fell on its face here. She’s right on all counts. But is it really as big a deal as it’s been made out to be?

In a comment to her Advertising Age piece, I wrote, “I wonder what would happen if BIC did nothing at all. Now I’m all for ‘joining the conversation’ and dealing with controversy but we’re talking abut an innocuous little pen here. I wonder if, in a week or so, after all the media has covered this to death , whether or not people will go on with their lives as if nothing happened. My bet is they will. My bet is also that in the greater sea of nationwide pen buyers, only a small percentage of people noticed this or, if they did, even care. Now I’m not arguing that a small but very vocal minority should be ignored. But in the greater scheme of things, is this really as big a deal as we’d like to make it?”

We love to chastise brands that trip over themselves. And social media has both exponentially magnified the likelihood a brand will, at some point, screw up and amplified the means through which the public can chastise the brand for doing so.

But is BIC really going to suffer any lasting pain over this? Are they going to see a drop in sales? Are women really that upset over a feminine-styled product when countless other products are feminized for women? Will BIC simply come out with BIC For Him and have the last laugh? Will this just turn out to be yet another case of “any publicity is good publicity?” What do you think?

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