5 Best Practices for Increasing Earned Media

The fact is, all social marketing campaigns on Facebook are not created equal. Campaign types that attract high user activity and entry rates are not always the same campaign types that inspire users to share with their friends.

This Wildfire report, part of the Adrants whitepaper series, discovered a number of insightful results for social marketers, including the types of social marketing campaigns that tend to get the highest participation rates, the different campaign types that get the highest sharing rates and the common thread among campaign types that generates the most sharing with friends on Facebook which results in valuable earned media as well.

Whether it be sweepstakes, trivia, quizes, coupons, giveaways, videos, photos, essay contests and a host of other tactics, this report will tell you what works and what sort of results you can expect.

Download the report now.

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Purina Gives Us Big Thoughts From Small Animals


A series of six videos, all of which follow the animals-are-cute-so-we-will-use-them-to-get-lots-of-social-sharing strategy, aim to share with humans the many benefits of Purina’s Small Animal Food. We get wisdom from a rabbit, a parakeet and a hamster on the various trials and tribulations of being an animal. Colle+McVoy created.

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Affiliate Ball Set to Rock Affiliate Summit West Again


The Affiliate Ball, organized by the super-awesome Darren Blatt, is back as an official party of Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas on January 14th, 2012. Entertainment for the night and the location will be announced soon.

Last years event at ASW, held at the Rio’s Crown Theater (this year’s venue TBD), was an amazing event. With Nelly as the headliner, people rocked and had an amazing time.

Of the event, Blatt says, “No matter who is performing, you can always expect an amazing vibe in the room, incredible networking opportunities and legendary talent performing who would normally sell out huge venues. The Affiliate Ball is all about providing the ideal situation to do more business with others. After 15 years of throwing internet B2B marketing parties, I’ve seen some of the biggest deals happen right in front of my eyes. The best time to bond with others is in a party environment. Whether deals happen right there or not, relationships are always made and strengthened.”

If you are attending the Affiliate Summit and want to RSVP to the party, you can do so here. Passes can be picked up at the Affiliate Ball Meet Market table #108. In addition, all levels of sponsorship are now available. If you’re interested, contact info@affiliateball.com.

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Toddlers Make Music For Cow & Gate


UK-based Cow & Gate, a site for parents of young children, is out with a new commercial that will have you smiling and giggling. In the spot, several toddlers are set loose inside a music studio and allowed to play with the instruments. Of course, after a while, they get the knack of it and begin to play Come on Eileen. OK, so they aren’t really playing Come on Eileen but, hey, it’s cute none the less.

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First World Problems Are Not Third World Problems


Water Is Life, with help from DDB New York, is out with a new PSA that llustrates just how entitled and lame most of us in the first world are as compared to those in the third. And now that we’re mentioning the first and the third world, why doesn’t anyone ever talk about the second world? Is there one? If so, who lives in it and, for that matter, where is it?

Anyway, we like this PSA. Watch it and you’ll feel like an idiot the next time you bitch about getting pickles on your burger when you asked for no pickles or when your phone charger cord isn’t long enough to reach your bed.

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Reverse Robberies Place Drink in Convenience Stores


Sydney-based Monkeys has produced an interesting video that captures a reverse robbery. What’s a reverse robbery? It’s when a group of guys storm a convenience store not to rob it but to place some product in it. In this case the product is Oak Milk and the group of “robbers” is asking any and all stores that don’t carry Oak to request a “robbery.” Nifty and fun.

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Cornelius Trunchpole is Gabriel Miller


For two and a half years, Cornelius Trunchpole had the entire ad industry following his antics. We guessed many times as to who was behind the figure but we were wrong every time. Today, Cornelius has revealed himself to be Gabriel Miller, a copywriter from London who worked at TBWA London for four years and now freelances for Chevrolet and Coke.

Check out this AdWeek Six Questions interview to meet the man behind one of the longest running, most interesting social media sagas ever created. We salute you, Gabriel!

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Cornelius Trunchpole is Gabriel Miller


For two and a half years, Cornelius Trunchpole had the entire ad industry following his antics. We guessed many times as to who was behind the figure but we were wrong every time. Today, Cornelius has revealed himself to be Gabriel Miller, a copywriter from London who worked at TBWA London for four years and now freelances for Chevrolet and Coke.

Check out this AdWeek Six Questions interview to meet the man behind one of the longest running, most interesting social media sagas ever created. We salute you, Gabriel!

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Target Launches Ad Campaign About Developing An Ad Campaign


Target, with help from Minneapolis-based Space150 and director Phil Abraham, has launched a three episode series entitled Falling For You. The romantic comedy featuring Kristen Bell, Zach Abel and Nia Long centers on a couple of Target employees (Bell and Abel) who are charged by their boss (Long) with developing a fall marketing campaign.

The first episode of the series debuted today on Target.com/fallingforyou. The two additional episodes will follow October 9 and 9 with a live event planned for October 10. Each of the films, if viewed on the Target site, will have shoppable items that appear on the right hand side of the screen as they appear in the episodes. Clicking on the items will add them to the viewers list of favorites and can be purchased later.

Of the series’ avoidance of lame, product placement-style style dialog, Abraham said, “It was a mandate from all of us that the people should feel relatable and real. If people are spouting stilted dialogue, it’s just going to feel ridiculous.” Thankfully, the team pulls it off.

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Skydancers are an incredible way to advertise your business

Skydancers are an incredible way to advertise your business.

Skydancers are an incredible way of advertising your business, no matter what kind of business you have.

Advertising that is noticed!

Today, it makes no sense to advertise in media like TV, radio, newspapers etc. This is because people just do not pay the kind of attention to advertisements being shown in these media – at least not like they used to. As a result, this form of advertising is ineffective. Also, this kind of advertising is extremely expensive and most advertisers cannot afford it.

all types of Skydancers

Skydancers Get Attention!

So, to get the attention of people, advertisers have to make use of a vehicle via which people notice their advertisements. After all, if people do not look at advertisements, how will they know what is being sold?

And so we have Skydancers

This is a unique form of advertising, one that is capturing the attention of more and more advertisers. The reason why so many advertisers are starting to use this innovative advertising vehicle is due to the fact that people at once notice this advertising vehicle. And thus, they will also take a look at the advertising on it.
This is very unlike the case of TV, radio, magazines, etc, where people pay little or no attention to the advertising in these media.

But there is more

This advertising vehicle can be custom designed to be made in any color and size. Plus, it can have the name of the company on it, the company motto and even the company logo. This is because the manufacturers of these advertising vehicles are now offering dancers that are very custom and designed to meet the specific needs of all kinds of advertisers.
This is definitely great news for both small and big advertisers as they now have the opportunity to show case their business – knowing for sure that they are going to be able to get the eye of the people, by using this new and innovative advertising vehicle.

Just what you need

In an age where people do not have the time or the interest to look at something as insignificant as advertising, it is now possible to capture the attention of people. And manufacturers of these dancers are fully aware of this fact and this is why they offer all kinds of custom airdancers that have been very specifically designed to meet the needs of a specific business.
So whether you own a big business or whether you are running a small business, if you want people to know about your business, a great way of doing so is by using Skydancers.

Skydancers are an incredible way to advertise your business is a post from: Advertising Balloons

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  2. Using advertising blimps to advertise is a common sight today
  3. Giant Balloons Advertise Your Business
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