How the Transition to Digital Affects Agencies’ Current Processes


When I was working for a high tech and B2B ad agency that was experiencing growing pains caused by the transformation from small to mid-sized to large, I developed a traffic and production management system using a Mac and FileMaker Pro. No, really. Seriously! Prior to that system, there were nothing more than memos and email to convey information from account management to creative to production to traffic and back. It was inefficient, and many times information was lost in transit.

The FileMaker Pro system introduced job tickets and a workflow that, to the best of FileMaker Pro’s limited capabilities, aided in making sure the right people saw the right information and that the process was properly documented. This included a listing of those responsible for various aspects of the job, due dates, production specs and, if lucky, the creative brief.

It was far from a perfect system and rife with the limitations of early-stage FileMaker Pro. At other agencies I worked for, trafficking jobs and managing workflow ranged in sophistication from a simple phone call to a handwritten note to typed, four-part forms to email to clunky dumb terminal antiquation.

Read the rest on the Central Desktop blog.

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Bonding During Buffering Has Never Been So Awkward


Draftfcb Chicago has created a fairly hilarious series of commercial for Cox. In the series, the Hattery family, a very weird dad, Paul, torments his family with his antics. It all begins with dad awkwardly bonding with his son, Tyler, during buffering moments cause by DSL. Over five episodes, things just get weirder and weirder with Paul obsessing over unlimited phone service and going all “par-tay” pn his family once they get a Cox whole house DVR. Commercial insanity at its finest.

Be sure not to miss the always awkward “if we all had cox” dialog in one of the episodes.

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Advertising Balloons are Guaranteed Customer Grabbers

Advertising Balloons are Guaranteed Customer Grabbers

Advertising balloons are guaranteed customer magnets that all kinds of advertisers use!

How can you get business?

But obviously for your business to survive, you have to make sure that you keep getting more and more customers. But, this is not at all easy as there is so much competition. For instance, though you may be selling used cars, there are many others that are doing the same. As such, why does a customer have to come to you when he or she has so much choice?

advertising balloon white color with lettering

7ft. advertising balloon with lettering from $533.00.

Thus, you have to make people aware of you and you can do this by making sure that your business is always in front of them. This can be done by using the correct advertising media.

Using the right advertising medium is very important

If you do not make use of the right advertising vehicle to advertise your business, you can be sure of one harsh fact – people are just not going to be aware of you. This is because when you make use of the wrong vehicle to advertise your business, people do not pay attention to your advertisement.

Recent studies have proven without any doubt that the conventional advertising media like TV, radio, newspapers, etc., are no longer as effective as they used to be. This is because people no longer have the time or the interest in looking at the advertisements that appear in these media. Thus, for you to get into the minds of people, you have to use an advertising vehicle that people love looking at.

And you have such a medium in the form of Advertising balloons

The reason why these giant balloons are so very effective is because they get the attention of people. And thus, by looking at these big balloons, people will also look at the advertisement on them. And so you will have met your goal – of getting people to look at what you are advertising.

When you want to stay ahead of your competition, it is very important that you get the attention of people – if you do not do so, you can be sure that your competition is doing it. Thus, you have to make people aware of what you are selling and where they can buy the stuff you are selling.

And this can be done by you very easily

Yes, it is really possible for you to easily get the attention of people by advertising with giant advertising balloons. Put your business opportunity on it, perhaps your logo or your motto, your telephone number if you wish and even the location of your shop
(if you are the owner of a small shop in the locality) – you can be sure that this form of advertising is going to get you more customers that you could possible handle.

Call 1-800-791-1445 for more information on advertising balloons.


Advertising Balloons are Guaranteed Customer Grabbers is a post from: Advertising Balloons

Related posts:

  1. Advertising blimps are guaranteed to get your business noticed
  2. Skydancers are an incredible way to advertise your business
  3. Outdoor balloons are Great for Branding your Business
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Twitter Hashtags Power Virtual Presidential Debate Site


Miami Ad School Students, Christoffer Ahlen and Philip Hovensjo have created The Last Debate, a site on which tweets with #speakromney and #speakobama respectively are directed to the mouths of the candidates themselves. While the debates may be over, not until the election is final will the mud cease to be slung. So have at it while you can.

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Twitter Hashtags Power Virtual Presidential Debate Site


Miami Ad School Students, Christoffer Ahlen and Philip Hovensjo have created The Last Debate, a site on which tweets with #speakromney and #speakobama respectively are directed to the mouths of the candidates themselves. While the debates may be over, not until the election is final will the mud cease to be slung. So have at it while you can.

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Hottie Puts Booty and Boobs to Work Selling Cars


What, really, can we say about this Russian car dealer commercial? We all know that hot women go hand in hand with hot cars but this outing takes that notion and puts it on steroids. This impossibly hot model wraps her hotness around a vehicle in a showroom wearing nothing more that a cleavage enhancing bra and a booty revealing thong. She slathers her body all over the vehicle as if she were about to have an orgasm. This is how they sell c ars in Russia. Oh and we guess you can buy a car with a credit card too.

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Bad Weather Won’t Stop High Heels, Red Lipstick…Or Lexus From Exuding Style


El Segundo’s Team One, along with Serial Pictures Director Jonas Akerlund, have come up with a message for Sandy…and any other kind of weather that might crimp your style; don’t even try. Because, according to this commercial, stylish is stylish no matter what Mother Nature thinks.

Though we think prancing about in high heels in the middle of a snow storm is a bit much, we aren’t going to complain. We’ll take any chance we can get to watch a hot women in high heels, a mini dress and flaming red lipstick saunter down the sidewalk. We’re easy to pleas that way.

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BBDO Re-Imagines AT&T’s ‘ Whiz Bang’ Ad For Halloween


Aligning AT&T with the Holiday Spirit, BBDO New York has re-imagined its Whiz Bang commercial for Halloween. The agency added in several “ghost bombs” behind and around the happy 4G mobile users as they go about their daily communications.

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Babies Take A Dump, Make Funny Faces, Sell Diapers


It’s like the new cat video. OK, perhaps not but everyone likes a cute baby video, right? How about a montage of babies making “poopy face”? Oh yes. To sell its store brand diapers, ALDI of Australia has enlisted some professional poopers and filmed them in action. At weddings. On airplanes. At sporting events. At photo shoots.

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Megan Fox Leaves Booty at Home in Brainy Acer Ad


Seemingly uninterested in the prospect of playing yet another hottie with a hot body – this time a character who wears her underwear in space – Megan Fox has higher aspirations; marine Biology and the invention of a technology with which to speak to dolphins.

Yes, as a follow up to the brand’s wacky outing with Kiefer Sutherland, Acer is out with another Mother London-created spectacle which focuses on Fox’s desire to become a “brilliant” scientist with, of course, help from Acer’s Aspire S7 laptop.

In the ad, Fox teams with a group of entranced scientists (one in particular) who help her develop speech recognition software that enables communication with dolphins. Over the course of 103 days of hard work and a bit of Tolstoy, the team finally finds success.

We suppose it’s an inevitable move for a woman who has always been seen and labeled as a sex object all her adult life. and a fitting on as she heads towards parenthood. Still, we wouldn’t seeing her get on an off a motorcycle wearing short shorts or leaning over a car engine in a miniskirt and crop top from time to time.

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