NakedWines Does Dollar Shave Club


Following in Dollar Shave Club’s footsteps, online wine retailer NakedWInes is out with Breed & Craft-created video that touts the retailer’s frugal methods of operation which allow for offering the consumer better wine at cheaper prices.

It’s like a Genie came right out of the bottle.

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Nutella Has Brain Fart, Sends Cease And Desist to Biggest Fan


You would think that after all these years of highly publicized social media screw ups and popular SXSW panels that highlight such screw ups, brands would finally get the message; Don’t be a jackass and alienate your biggest fans.

Sadly, it seems there will always be an idiot in the mix. This time it’s Italy-based Ferrero SpA, parent company to Nutella, a hazelnut spread loved by many The brand sent a cease and desist to Sara Rosso, founder of World Nutella Day, a 7-year-old event and organization that is all about the love of Nutella.

Rosso launched World Nutella Day in 2007 to “celebrate Italy’s edible treasure with online and offline tributes.” The event’s Facebook page has 40,000 likes.

As to why Nutella sent the cease and desist, Rosso said, “They asked me to take down the site because they consider it to be an unauthorized use of their intellectual property and trademarks, the Nutella logo and brand.”

In lawyer speak, that translates to, “We don’t have a fucking clue what social media is and we don’t give a shit either.”

Without surprise, it seems it’s only the lawyers who are the party poopers in this situation. Of her interactions over the years with Nutella, Rosso said, “I’ve had positive interactions with the company and its consultants in the past so I’m trying to stay positive about a resolution.”

Supporters of Rosso are having a field day at the expense of Nutella with one supporter posting, “Nutella…more nuts in company management than in every jar.”

While Ferrero SpA has remained mum to requests for comment, we’re pretty sure there’s nothing they can say that will explain away this particular brain fart.

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Axe-Coiffed Hair Turns Women Into Puddles of Submission


Really, guys. All it take is well-coiffed hair to zombify any woman into submission, make her forget whatever it was she was doing and stare longingly into your eyes and await your command. No, seriously. Axe says so so it must be true! Advertising never lies, right?

Of course, what these four BBH London-created commercials really wants to get across is that guys can’t keep their hands out of their hair when in the presence of a hot woman. While that may be true, it would be ever so awesome if women actually did turn into submissive zombies when us guys coiffed our hair with Axe. Because if it was true, guys might actually use the product!

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Axe-Coiffed Hair Turns Women Into Puddles of Submission


Really, guys. All it take is well-coiffed hair to zombify any woman into submission, make her forget whatever it was she was doing and stare longingly into your eyes and await your command. No, seriously. Axe says so so it must be true! Advertising never lies, right?

Of course, what these four BBH London-created commercials really wants to get across is that guys can’t keep their hands out of their hair when in the presence of a hot woman. While that may be true, it would be ever so awesome if women actually did turn into submissive zombies when us guys coiffed our hair with Axe. Because if it was true, guys might actually use the product!

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Axe-Coiffed Hair Turns Women Into Puddles of Submission


Really, guys. All it take is well-coiffed hair to zombify any woman into submission, make her forget whatever it was she was doing and stare longingly into your eyes and await your command. No, seriously. Axe says so so it must be true! Advertising never lies, right?

Of course, what these four BBH London-created commercials really wants to get across is that guys can’t keep their hands out of their hair when in the presence of a hot woman. While that may be true, it would be ever so awesome if women actually did turn into submissive zombies when us guys coiffed our hair with Axe. Because if it was true, guys might actually use the product!

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Mondelez Gives Middle Finger to Agencies, Moves to 120 Day Payment


Get a load of this insanity. Mondelez, that packaged goods company all the social media whiz kids love so much because it’s behind Oreo, has now decided it will take 120 days to pay agencies and other suppliers. And get a load of this buzzword-laden bullshit a Modelez stament gives as reason for the move:

“We’re continually looking to drive efficiency and improve our processes on a global basis. Extending our payment terms allows us to better align with industry and make sure we compete on fair grounds, while simultaneously improving transparency and predictability of payment processes.”

Um, what?

You meant to say you’re doing this to make your books look better, are able to spend more than you have and don’t give two shits about how this will affect your agency partners.

If you don’t have the money and can’t pay for something then don’t buy it in the first place. That’ll make your books look better. Not fucking vendors up the ass by making them wait 120 days for payment.

And we wonder why this country is in so much debt.

On an up-note, this is great news for FastPay

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Coke Borrows From Disney’s Fantasmic For Dublin Water Projection


Stealing an idea from Disney’s Hollywood Studios Fantasmic water show projection (or whomever did it before them), Coke created its own water show projection at Dublin’s Grand Canal dock last Friday to kick off their summer campaign.

People from around Ireland were prompted to share a coke with someone via Twitter and then have that converted to an aquatic message using a water projection.

As part of Coca-Cola’s largest summer campaign to date, the 20 meter high and 40 meter wide water projection touted the launch of Share a Coke in Ireland, a campaign where the brand’s ‘Coca-Cola’ script typography is replaced with the top 150 names in Ireland on 500ml bottles and sold in stores across the country.

Check out the video below.

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Now You Can Have Sex Bareback…With A Condom!


Riffing off the term “bareback” which, of course, means going condomless during sex, Marcus Thomas is out with a campaign for the Okamoto Zero Zero Four condom.

Visualizing the fact the condom is just 0.04 MM thick, the agency has placed a translucent saddle on the back of a horse

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Getty’s ’85 Seconds’ Does For Video What ‘Love to Bingo’ Did For Images


As a follow up to its beautiful From Love to Bingo which told a story of love in 873 pictures (and has received over 2.6 million views to date), Getty Images is out with 85 Seconds, a video that uses 105 video clips to tell an equally emotional love story.

The video, which tells the story of couple who meet as children, separate after graduation and then reunite as adults, touts the fact Getty has 63,113,983 seconds of video on hand for marketers

From Love to Bingo:

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‘It’s Not About Big Data, It’s About Big Ideas’


While Big Data is the buzzword du jour and every agency and brand is trying to get a handle on it, there are still those who believe the big idea will always trump the “biggest” data.

Amusement Park’s Jimmy Smith who is a Branded Entertainment Juror for the Clios is one such person. Recalling what Lee Clow told him about Steve Jobs, Smith argues one of the biggest and most successful brands in the world never much relied on research to develop its ad campaigns.

Smith also argues the skills it takes to come up with a successful big idea can’t and never will be able to be quantified. Coming from a man who will judge Clios, this makes perfect sense. After all, the Clios, Cannes and most other advertising awards organizations don’t for the most part, award on whether or not an ad was successful; they judge it based upon whether or not it was creative…many times for creative’s sake.

Now we’re not bashing the Clios or Cannes or any other form of advertising awards because, for the most part, we agree with Smith. The availability and prevalence of data has made it very easy to test everything to death and distrust our gut. In a sense, it’s killing creativity because when so many parameters are placed on the marketing and creative process, it becomes very difficult to, well, be creative.

Now one can also argue “being creative” is a waste of time and money when we have all this data to tell us what works and what doesn’t. But data has never been good at representing subjectivity and that’s exactly what creative is; a subjective representation of an idea that aims to connect with an audience.

I think big data and the big idea can live side by side. But I also think we rely on data far too much and to the point wehere we allow it to trump our gut. Big data can support our gut but we should never allow it to control it.

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