‘Dumb Ways to Die’ Wins Cannes Lion Integrated Grand Prix


Well it was pretty clear this was going to happen and it did. “Dumb Ways to Die,” created by McCann for Melbourne Metro Trains Melbourne has won the Canes Lion Integrated Grand Prix, its fifth Grand Prix this week. The work is said to have been the most shared PSA in history and is attributed to reducing train accidents and deaths by 21%.

The integrated campaign included the famed video, radio, print, outdoor and a top ten song on iTunes. Hell, my daughter’s friends are singing it. Now that’s a serious cultural achievement let along an advertising achievement.

In other news out of Cannes tonight, Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches from Ogilvy Sao Paulo won a Titanium Grand Prix, Nike’s Find Your Greatness from W+K Portland and AKQA London won a Titanium, Samsung Life Insurance’s Bridge of Life from Che Worldwide Seoul won a Titanium, Christians + Muslims for Government of Republic of Macedonia from Y&R won a Titanium, Prudential’s Challenge Lab from Droga5 New York won a Titanium, P&G’s Proud Sponsors of Moms from W+K Portland won Integrated Gold, Intel and Toshiba’s The Beauty Inside from Pereira & O’Dell won Branded Content Grand Prix.

AdWeek has a full list of Titanium and Integrated, Film, Film Craft and Branded Content winners here.

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