Dove Wonders Why Women Are Camera Shy


Along with its hugely successful and Cannes Lions-winning Real Beauty Sketches, Dove is out with Camera Shy, a :60 that focuses on the propensity of many women to shy away from the camera when it’s aimed at them. Created by Ogilvy, the work is accompanied by ose Murphy’s “Peek-A-Boo” as woman after woman hide from the camera until a super asks, “When did you stop thinking you’re beautiful?”

It then shows images of little girls having no fear in front of the camera suggesting camera shyness is culturally induced. Which, of course, may be true. Except for the fact all one has to do is spend a little time on Instagram or Facebook or any number of other image-focused sites to find thousands of mirror shots and selfies.

Which, of course, is not to belittle the fact that, yes, many won are, in fact, camera shy and do question their beauty.

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