Astronauts Trump Firemen in Axe Space Promotion


A new campaign from perennial purveyor of deodorant for prurient-minded middle school boys, Axe, is recruiting 22 people for its Axe Apollo Space Academy. The brand even hired Buzz Aldrin to announce the campaign in a video.

An additional ad in the BBH London-created campaign, which illustrates just how preferable an astronaut is to a fireman, snubs a fireman who, after saving a woman from a fire, gets dumped for an astronaut because, well, according to the campaign, “nothing beats an astronaut, ever.”

The campaign’s no Red Bull Stratos but the appearance of Aldrin does lend some seriousness to the silliness of whether or not an astronaut is, indeed, more desirable than a fireman…who risked his life to save this foolishly fickle woman.

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