Axe Gets Creepy With UpSkirt Cam


If the internet is to be believed, the Japanese have a well-known predilection for certain kinds fetishistic thinking and behavior. Whether it’s a penchant for knee socks or face farting (seriously), the Japanese take the definition of fetish to new levels.

So it is without surprise that a brand marketing to the Japanese would leverage a fetish or two. With its Axe Dry Hot Angle, which allows one to visit a site and get a low angle view of a few hot Japanese women, the brand has its bases covered.

During a press event, low angle cameras captured plenty of upskirt (and knee high stocking) action. A companion website allows visitors to use their webcam to do the same. We couldn’t get our camera to do anything at all. Which is all well and good. We’re perverted enough on our own. We don’t need any help.

But AdVerve got it to work.

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